Saturday, March 10, 2012

What is Aderra's PushOvr™ Platform?

What is PushOvr™?

  • The PushOvr™ Dashboard is an interactive media App that can be deployed on a portable media device or computer desktop and is similar to a mini website. It can be branded for sponsors and artists and can include an audio/video player, live links to the web, photo galleries, PDFs and other digital files and in its ultimate iteration we can stream live video to the PushOvr™ Dashboard that is available exclusively to our users.
  • Aderra’s exclusive PushOvr™ technology allows you to remotely update the content on the User Dashboard, keeping fans and attendees engaged. Take fan clubs or brands to the next level, think of the Dashboard as a key to a wealth of exclusive content.
  • Aderra’s proprietary PushOvr™ Dashboards are equipped with various social networking tools that let you know exactly who you’re engaging. You are able to reward consumer action and update your messages to the consumer whenever you want.
  • PushOvr™ lets the brand engage fans even after the event by sending updated content and marketing communications directly to the consumer.
  • Fan engagement rewards programs drastically increase social networks and promote online activity.
  • PushOvr™ is a revolutionary communication tool that allows you to remotely update content within the Dashboard.
  • Simply provide Aderra with new marketing videos, coupons, tweets, and special offers to fans, and we will seamlessly update the Dashboard.
  • Create daily and weekly engagement actions for the rewards program and keep consumers coming back.
  • With PushOvr™, sponsorship doesn’t end when the tour ends

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